Description of the Creators-only Dashboard tab
The Dashboard tab provides Creators with a detailed view into who is buying, selling, and holding their coins. This tab is viewable by Creators only.
Dashboard data can be viewed in three windows of time: Last 7 Days (7D), Last 30 Days (1M), and All Time (ALL). Last 7 Days is the default view.
The Dashboard has the following key areas:
# of Supporters/# of Buys/# of Sells/# of Sends
Top Movers
Network Activity
You can click any name in the Dashboard to see more details about the user, including email address* and current coin balance. Click Activity in the user card to filter the Network Activity section for only the selected user.
*Creators are provided with email addresses of Creator Coin purchasers for transactional reasons only, specifically to allow Creators to engage in transaction verification as well as fulfillment related activities.
# of Supporters/# of Buys/# of Sells/# of Sends
Supporters: Total number of new supporters in the selected time frame.
Buys: Total number of new buys and total amount of buys in the selected time frame.
Sells: Total number of new sells and the total amount of sells in the selected time frame.
Sends: Total number of new sends to the Creator and the total amount of sends to the Creator in the selected time frame.
Sends includes direct sends (eg, tips) to the Creator as well as Campaigns.
The Leaderboard section displays the top 50 users for the selected category and time frame.
Holdings: Top current coin holders
Buys/Sells/Sends: Top coin buyers. sellers, or senders
Top Movers
The Top Movers section displays the Top 3 Buy or Sell transactions within the selected time frame. Data includes the change in USD value for the coin based on the size of the transaction.
Network Activity
The Dashboard > Network Activity section provides Creators with additional details when compared with the general ledger presented in the Activity tab view (which all users can see for a given coin). You can see usernames associated with transactions.
Last updated
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