CDC Grant Recipients

The CDC seeks to engage developers from the at-large community and funds the development of tools and applications for Creator Coin utilization.

CompanyDescriptionGrant Amount In USD (paid in RLY)Grant Date


Temple lets creators launch and manage a members only community


November 19, 2021


GotMy provides a token gated live streaming platform


December 8, 2021

Creator Coin Hub

Creator Coin Hub is a tool to allow creators to manage their content on multiple platforms in one place


December 8, 2021


Full service Creator Website CRM & Referral Link Creator


March 9, 2022

Tournament Bot

Allow two Rally users to host 1v1 tournaments via Discord with creator coins on the line for the winner


March 9, 2022


Live video ecommerce platform to enable creators to monetize their video content


April 6, 2022


Integrate Rally into the 2Cents audio mobile app


Last updated