Rally Coin Bot Command Reference
/coin join
Connect to the bot to join any roles and channels based on the amount of the corresponding coin you hold.
/coin balance
The amount of coin you hold in the set Creator Coin.
/coin airdrop AMOUNT
The amount in $USD of a coin you want to distribute to all eligible members in a Discord channel.
/coin donation
The amount in USD value you have donated in the set Creator Coin.
/coin summary
For the corresponding coin, returns the current amounts for:
total supporters
total transactions
total support volume
total amount of coin distributed
/coin list
The list of channels that have gates and the coin amount required.
/coin help
The list of commands for the bot. List returns commands based on server role (Admin vs non-Admin).
/coin donation AMOUNT
The amount in USD value to send to a creator as a donation, or tip.
/coin send @discordusername AMOUNT
The amount in USD value to send to another user. Both the sender and the receiver need to have previously connected their Discord accounts to their Rally accounts.
/coin lookup @discordusername
Non-Admins: Look up your own Rally ID via Discord name.
Admins: Look up any user’s Rally ID via Discord name.
/coin setup COINSYMBOL
Set up your coin in your Discord server by telling coin_bot which coin to monitor. COINSYMBOL must be entered in all caps.
/coin balanceGate --role "ROLENAME" --amount AMOUNT
Set the minimum amount of coins required to attain a particular role. ROLENAME is case sensitive and must include any punctuation (eg, spaces, hyphens) used in the role name. Must be enclosed in quotes.
AMOUNT is a numeric value representing a number of coins. Example: 5 equals 5 coins in the set Creator Coin.
/coin donationGate --role "ROLENAME" --amount AMOUNT
Set the minimum amount in USD required to attain a lifetime donation role. ROLENAME is case sensitive and must include any punctuation (eg, spaces, hyphens) used in the role name. Must be enclosed in quotes.
AMOUNT is a numeric value representing a number of coins. Example: 100 equals $100 USD in value of the set Creator Coin.
/coin recurringGate --role "ROLENAME" --amount AMOUNT
Set the minimum amount in USD required to attain a monthly donation role. ROLENAME is case sensitive and must include any punctuation (eg, spaces, hyphens) used in the role name. Must be enclosed in quotes.
AMOUNT is a numeric value representing a number of coins. Example: 5 equals $5 USD in value of the set Creator Coin.
/coin ungate --role "ROLENAME" --amount AMOUNT
Remove a previous role configuration.
Last updated
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